Journal articles
Goni, J.I.C. and Van Looy, A. (2024). Developing a framework for innovating less-structured business processes: a Delphi study. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 22(2), 385-413.
Ahmad, T., Van Looy, A. and Shafagatova, A. (2024). Business process performance: investigating the impact of process-oriented appraisals and rewards on success. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 66(1), 67-84.
Ahouanmenou, S., Van Looy, A. and Poels, G. (2023). Information security and privacy in hospitals: a literature mapping and review of research gaps. Informatics for Health & Social Care, 48(1), 30-46.
Beerepoot, I., Di Ciccio, C., Reijers, H. A., Rinderle-Ma, S., Bandara, W., Burattin, A., Calvanese, D., Chen, T., Cohen, I., Depaire, B., Di Federico, G., Dumas, M., van Dun, C., Fehrer, T., Fischer, D. A., Gal, A., Indulska, M., Isahagian, V., Klinkmüller, C., Kratsch, W., Leopold, H., Van Looy, A., Lopez, H., Lukumbuzya, S., Mendling, J., Meyers, L., Moder, L., Montali, M., Muthusamy, V., Reichert, M., Rizk, Y., Rosemann, M., Röglinger, M., Sadiq, S., Seiger, R., Slaats, T., SimkusIda, M., Someh, A., Weber, B., Weber, I., Weske, M., and Zerbato, F. (2023). The biggest business process management problems to solve before we die. Computers in Industry, 146(103837), 1-14.
Shafagatova, A., Van Looy, A., and Maleki Shamasbi, S. (2023). Uncovering the combined impact of process characteristics and reward types on employees’ job satisfaction: A European quantitative study. SAGE Open, 13(1), 1-21.
Nottbrock, C, Van Looy, A. and De Haes, S. (2023). Impact of digital Industry 4.0 innovations on interorganizational value chains: a systematic literature review. Business Process Management Journal, 29(1), 43-76.
Van Looy, A. (2022). Employees’ attitudes towards intelligent robots: a dilemma analysis. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 20(3), 371-408.
Röglinger, M., Plattfaut, R., Borghoff, V., Kerpedzhiev, G., Becker, J., Beverungen, D., vom Brocke, J., Van Looy, A., del-Rio-Ortega, A., Rinderle-Ma, S., Rosemann, M., Santoro, F. M. and Trkman, P. (2022). Exogenous shocks and business process management. A scholars’ perspective on challenges and opportunities. Business & lnformation Systems Engineering, 64(5), 669-687.
Jafari, P. and Van Looy, A. (2022). Adopting digital-oriented work practices that facilitate work satisfaction. IEEE Access, 10, 81522-81545.
Goni, J. I. C. and Van Looy, A. (2022). Process innovation capability in less-structured business processes: a systematic literature review. Business Process Management Journal, 28(3), 557-584.
Van Looy, A., Trkman, P. and Clarysse, E. (2022). A configuration taxonomy of business process orientation. Business & lnformation Systems Engineering, 64(2), 133-147.
Van Looy, A. (2021). How the COVID-19 pandemic can stimulate more radical business process improvements: using the metaphor of a tree. Knowledge and Process Management, 28(2), 107-116.
Ahmad, T. and Van Looy, A. (2021). Development and testing of an explorative BPM acceptance model: insights from the COVID-19 pandemic (article 0259226). PLoS ONE, 16(11), 1-26.
Couckuyt, D. and Van Looy, A. (2021). An exploration of green business process maturity based on ecolabels. Business Process Management Journal, 27(7), 1999-2020.
Shafagatova, A. and Van Looy, A. (2021). Alignment patterns for process-oriented appraisals and rewards: using HRM for BPM capability building. Business Process Management Journal, 27(3), 941-964.
Shafagatova, A. and Van Looy, A. (2021). Developing a tool for process-oriented appraisals and rewards: design science research. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 33(3), 1-19.
Couckuyt, D. and Van Looy, A. (2021). An empirical study on green BPM adoption: contextual factors and performance. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 33(3), 1-18.
Van Looy, A. (2021). A quantitative and qualitative study of the link between business process management and digital innovation (article 103413 ), Information & Management, 58(2), 1-15.
Helbin, T. and Van Looy, A. (2021). Is business process management (BPM) ready for ambidexterity? Conceptualization, implementation guidelines and research agenda (article 1906). Sustainability, 13(4), 1-25.
Shafagatova, A. and Van Looy, A. (2021). A conceptual framework for process-oriented employee appraisals and rewards. Knowledge and Process Management, 28(1), 90-104.
Van Looy, A. (2020). Innovating organizational processes with new technologies: problems and solutions. IT Professional, 22(5), 71-80.
Ahmad, T. and Van Looy, A. (2020). Business process management and digital innovations: a systematic literature review (article 6827). Sustainability, 12(17), 1-29.
Couckuyt, D. and Van Looy, A. (2020). A systematic review of Green Business Process Management. Business Process Management Journal, 26(2), 421-446.
Van Looy, A. (2020). Capabilities for managing business processes: a measurement instrument. Business Process Management Journal, 26(1), 287-311.
Couckuyt, D. and Van Looy, A. (2019). Green BPM as a business-oriented discipline: a systematic mapping study and research agenda (article 4200). Sustainability, 11(15), 1-22.
Van Looy, A. and Devos, J. (2019). A roadmap for (un)successful BPM: positivist case studies. Business Process Management Journal, 25(5), 1164-1190.
Prodanova, J. and Van Looy, A. (2019). How beneficial is social media for business process management? A systematic literature review. IEEE Access, 7, 39583-39599.
Van Looy, A. and Van den Bergh, J. (2018). The effect of organization size and sector on adopting business process management. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 60(6), 479-491.
Van Looy, A., Poels, G. and Snoeck, M. (2017). Evaluating business process maturity models. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 18(6), 461-486.
Van Looy, A. and Shafagatova, A. (2016). Business process performance measurement: a structured literature review of indicators, measures and metrics (article number: 1797). SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1-24.
Van Looy, A., De Backer, M. and Poels, G. (2014). A conceptual framework and classification of capability areas for business process maturity. Enterprise Information Systems, 8(2), 188-224.
Van Looy, A., De Backer, M., Poels, G. and Snoeck, M. (2013). Choosing the right business process maturity model. Information & Management, 50(7), 466-488.
Van Looy, A. (2013). Dit is de BPMM Smart-Selector. Informatie, 55(10), 23-29.
Van Looy, A. (2013). Which business process maturity model best fits your organization? BPTrends, (July), 1-6.
Van Looy, A., De Backer, M. and Poels, G. (2011). Defining business process maturity. A journey towards excellence. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(11), 1119-1137.
Van Looy, A. (2010). Alweer een nieuw maturiteitsmodel? Het business process maturity model van OMG. Informatie, 52(1), 24-31.
Conference contributions
Nurkasanah, I. and Van Looy, A. (2024). Linking process innovation maturity to sustainability: insights from a systematic literature review. In: Van de Wetering, R., Helms, R., Roelens, B., Bagheri, S., Dwivedi, Y.K., Pappas, I.O., Mäntymäki, M. (Eds.). Disruptive Innovation in a Digitally Connected Healthy World, LNCS 14907 (pp. 253-259). Cham: Springer.
Paramita, D., Van Looy, A. and Vlerick, P. (2024). A systematic literature review on service robot attributes and organizational climate’s role. In: Van de Wetering, R., Helms, R., Roelens, B., Bagheri, S., Dwivedi, Y.K., Pappas, I.O., Mäntymäki, M. (Eds.). Disruptive Innovation in a Digitally Connected Healthy World, LNCS 14907 (pp. 260-271). Cham: Springer.
Ahouanmenou, S., Van Looy, A., Poels, G., Andries, P. and Standaert, S. (2024). Classifying healthcare and social organizations in cybersecurity profiles. In: Araujo, J., de la Vara, J.L., Santos, M.Y., Assar, S. (Eds.) RCIS: Research Challenges in Information Science, LNBIP 513 (pp. 289-304). Cham: Springer.
Van Looy, A., Rosemann, M. and Bandara, W. (2024). A theoretical lens on maturity models as boundary objects. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii Conference on Information Sciences, 3-6 January (pp. 6372-6381). Hawaii: ScholarSpace.
Goni, J. I. C. and Van Looy, A. (2023). Towards a measurement instrument for assessing capabilities when innovating less-structured business processes. In: De Weerdt, J., Pufahl, L. (Eds.) BPM Workshops 2023, LNBIP 492 (pp. 229-240). Cham: Springer.
Helbin, T. and Van Looy, A. (2023). Organizational culture and BPM ambidexterity in the EU public sector: the FADE model. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii Conference on Information Sciences, 3-6 January (pp. 1706-1715). Hawaii: ScholarSpace.
Maleki Shamasbi, S., Van Looy, A., Weber, B., Röglinger, M. (2023). On Current Job Market Demands for Process Mining: A Descriptive Analysis of LinkedIn Vacancies. In: Cabanillas, C., Garmann-Johnsen, N.F., Koschmider, A. (Eds.) BPM Workshops 2022, LNBIP 460 (pp. 179-191). Cham: Springer.
van der Heijden, B., Viaene, S. and Van Looy, A. (2022). Reconsidering the notion of “operating model” in the context of innovation and transformation. A systematic literature review. Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Business Informatics, 15-17 June (pp. 108-116). Amsterdam: IEEE.
De Brabander, B., Van Looy, A. and Viaene, S. (2022). Toward digital ERP: a literature review. In: Guizzardi, R., Ralyté, J., Franch, X. (Eds.). Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2022), LNBIP 446 (pp. 685-693). Cham: Springer.
Goni, J. I. C. and Van Looy, A. (2022). Process innovation capability in less-structured business processes. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management and Organization (pp. 53-57), 23-24 June, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Jafari, P. and Van Looy, A. (2022). To build and test a maturity model for digital-oriented work practices. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management and Organization (pp. 62-66), 23-24 June, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Van Looy, A., Bauwens, G. and Zaniewski, K. (2022). Intelligent robots in business processes: a students’ perspective. In: Marrella, A. and Weber, B. (Eds.). BPM Workshops 2021, LNBIP 436 (pp. 319-331). Cham: Springer.
Helbin, T. and Van Looy, A. (2022). Process innovation in the EU public sector through the lens of BPM ambidexterity. In: Marrella, A. and Weber, B. (Eds.). BPM Workshops 2021, LNBIP 436 (pp. 141-152). Cham: Springer.
Ahmad, T. and Van Looy, A. (2022). About a process-technology fit for process improvements in an ambidextrous environment. In: Marrella, A. and Weber, B. (Eds.). BPM Workshops 2021, LNBIP 436 (pp. 166-178). Cham: Springer.
Bandara, W., Van Looy, A., Rosemann, M. and Meyers, L. (2021). A call for ‘holistic’ business process management. In: Beerepoot, I., Di Ciccio, C., Marrella, A., Reijers, H. A., Rinderle-Ma, S. and Weber, B. (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop on BPM Problems to Solve Before We Die (PROBLEMS2021), co-located with the 19th International Conference on BPM, vol. 2938 (pp. 6-10). Sun SITE Central Europe (Germany): CEUR.
Couckuyt, D. and Van Looy, A. (2021). Identifying green business process maturity levels by classifying ecolabels. Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems, 14-16 June (paper 1365). Marrakech: AIS Electronic Library.
Turetken, O. and Van Looy, A. (2020). Workshop on business process management in the era of digital innovation and transformation (BPMinDIT). In: del-Rio-Ortega, A., Leopold, H. and Santoro, F.M. (Eds.). BPM Workshops 2020, LNBIP 397 (pp. 246-247). Cham: Springer.
Jafari, P. and Van Looy, A. (2020). A classification of digital-oriented work practices. In: del-Rio-Ortega, A., Leopold, H. and Santoro, F.M. (Eds.). BPM Workshops 2020, LNBIP 397 (pp. 49-59). Cham: Springer.
Van Looy, A. (2020). Adding intelligent robots to business processes: a dilemma analysis of employees’ attitudes. In: Fahland, D., Ghidini, C., Becker, J., and Dumas, M. (Eds.). Business Process Management Conference, BPM 2020, LNCS 12168 (pp. 435-452). Cham: Springer.
Bandara, W., Van Looy, A., Merideth, J. and Meyers, L. (2020). Holistic guidelines for selecting and adapting BPM maturity models (BPM MMs). In: Fahland, D., Ghidini, C., Becker, J., and Dumas, M. (Eds.). Business Process Management Conference, BPM Forum 2020, LNBIP 392 (pp. 263-278). Cham: Springer.
Turetken, O., Van Looy, A. and Grefen, P. (2019). Front matter: First international workshop on business process management in the era of digital innovation and transformation: new capabilities and perspectives (BPMinDIT). In: Di Francescomarino, C., Dijkman, R. and Zdun, U. (Eds.). Business Process Management Workshops, LNBIP 362 (pp. 275-278). Switzerland: Springer.
Ahmad, T. and Van Looy, A. (2019). Reviewing the historical link between business process management and IT: making the case towards digital innovation. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 29-31 May (pp. 99-110). Brussels: IEEE.
Helbin, T. and Van Looy, A. (2019). Business process ambidexterity and its impact on business-IT alignment. A systematic literature review. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 29-31 May (pp. 117-128). Brussels: IEEE.
Shafagatova, A. and Van Looy, A. (2019). Understanding the alignment of employee appraisals and rewards with business processes. In: Hildebrandt, T., et al. (Eds.). Business Process Management Conference, BPM 2019, LNCS 11675 (pp. 386-401). Switzerland: Springer.
Best student paper
Shafagatova, A. and Van Looy, A. (2019). Towards a POAR artefact for process-oriented appraisals and rewards. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, 4-6 June, Worcester, USA.
Van Looy, A. and Poels, P. (2019). A practitioners’ point of view on how digital innovation will shape the future of business process management: towards a research agenda. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 8-11 January (pp. 6448-6457). Maui: ScholarSpace.
Van Looy, A. (2018). On the synergies between business process management and digital innovation. In: Weske, M., et al. (Eds.). Business Process Management Conference, BPM 2018, LNCS 11080 (pp. 359-375). Switzerland: Springer.
Best paper nomination
Couckuyt, D., Van Looy, A. and De Backer, M. (2018). Sustainability performance measurement: a preliminary classification framework of models and indicators. In: Teniente, E., Weidlich, M. (Eds.). BPM 2017 Workshops, LNBIP 308 (pp. 520-524). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer.
Prodanova, J. and Van Looy, A. (2018). A systematic literature review of the use of social media for business process management. In: Teniente, E., Weidlich, M. (Eds.). BPM 2017 Workshops, LNBIP 308 (pp. 403-414). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer.
Van Looy, A. (2017). A quantitative study of the link between business process management and digital innovation. In: Carmona, J., Engels, G., Kumar, A. (Eds.). Business Process Management Forum, BPM Forum 2017, LNBIP 297 (pp. 177-192). Switzerland: Springer.
Christiansson, M.-T. and Van Looy, A. (2017). Elements for tailoring a BPM maturity model to simplify its use. In: Carmona, J., Engels, G., Kumar, A. (Eds.). Business Process Management Forum, BPM Forum 2017, LNBIP 297 (pp. 3-18). Switzerland: Springer.
Van Looy, A. (2015). An experiment for measuring business process maturity with different maturity models. Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems, 26-29 June (paper 192). Münster: AIS Electronic Library.
Pauwaert, T. and Van Looy, A. (2014). A literature study on the state-of-the-art of contingency research in business process management. In: Meersman, R. et al. (Eds.). On the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2014 workshops, LNCS 8842 (pp. 3-7). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer.
Van Looy, A. and De Backer, M. (2013). On the importance of organisational culture and structure in business process maturity. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems, 15-18 December. Milan: AIS Electronic Library.
Van Looy, A. (2013). Current pitfalls of business process maturity models: a selection perspective. Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems, 5-8 June (paper 1). Utrecht: AIS Electronic Library.
Van Looy, A. (2013). Looking for a fit for purpose. Business process maturity models from a user’s perspective. In: Poels, G. (Ed.). Enterprise Information Systems of the Future. CONFENIS 2012, LNBIP 139 (pp. 182-189). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer.
Van Looy, A., De Backer, M. and Poels, G. (2012). Towards a decision tool for choosing a business process maturity model. In: Peffers, K., Rothenberger, M. and Kuechler, B. (Eds.). Design Science Research in Information Systems. Advances in Theory and Practice. DESRIST 2012, LNCS 7286 (pp. 78-87). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer.
Van Looy, A., De Backer, M. and Poels, G. (2011). Questioning the design of business process maturity models. In: Dignum, V., Hidders, J. and Overbeek, S. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Sixth SIKS Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 31 October (pp. 51-60). Delft: Delft University of Technology.
Van Looy, A., De Backer, M. and Poels, G. (2010). Which maturity is being measured? A classification of business process maturity models. In: Van Dongen, B.F. and Reijers, H.A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fifth SIKS/BENAIS Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 16 November (pp. 7-16). Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology.
Van Looy, A. (2010). Does IT matter for business process maturity? A comparative study on business process maturity models. In: Meersman, R. et al. (Eds.). On the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2010 workshops, LNCS 6428 (pp. 687-697). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer.
Award for best contribution at the OntheMove PhD academy
Van Looy, A. (2011). Assessing and improving the maturity of cross-organisational business processes. Proceedings of the PhD symposium associated with the 9th International Conference on Business Process Management, 28 August, Clermont-Ferrand, France: LIMOS Laboratory, CNRS, Université Blaise Pascal.
Van Looy, A. (2024). From emerging technologies to business opportunities. Interviews with academics and business experts. Cham: Springer.
Van Looy, A. (2024). Process performance measurement. In: P. Grefen and I. Vanderfeesten (Eds.), Handbook on business process management and digital transformation (pp. 198-219). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Turetken, O. and Van Looy, A. (2024). Capability and maturity models in business process management. In: P. Grefen and I. Vanderfeesten (Eds.), Handbook on business process management and digital transformation (pp. 303-331). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Van Looy, A. (2023). Robots. In: B. Neyt and S. Baert (Eds.), In conflict gaan met je baas… en andere manieren om je loopbaan in eigen handen te nemen (pp. 124-135). Ghent: Borgerhoff & Lamberigts.
Van Looy, A. (2023). Digitale vaardigheden. In: B. Neyt and S. Baert (Eds.), In conflict gaan met je baas… en andere manieren om je loopbaan in eigen handen te nemen (pp. 136-148). Ghent: Borgerhoff & Lamberigts.
Van Looy, A. (2022). Social media management. Using social media as a business instrument. Cham: Springer.
Van Looy, A., Weber, B. and Rosemann, M. (2022). CAiSE Doctoral Consortium. Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium Papers Presented at the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Leuven, Belgium (CEUR 3139). Aachen: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Van Looy, A. (2021). How I keep myself motivated: dancing between consultancy and academia. In: Hernaus, T. and Cerne, M., Becoming an organizational scholar. Navigating the academic odyssey (pp. 53-66). Glos (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing.
Polyvyanyy, A., Wynn, M. T., Van Looy, A., Reichert, M. (2021). Business process management. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference, BPM 2021, Rome, Italy (LNCS 12875). Cham: Springer.
Polyvyanyy, A., Wynn, M. T., Van Looy, A., Reichert, M. (2021). Business process management Forum. Proceedings of the BPM Forum 2021, Rome, Italy (LNBIP 427). Cham: Springer.
Van Looy, A. and Rotthier, S. (2018). Kiss the documents! How the City of Ghent digitizes its service processes. In: J. vom Brocke and J. Mendling (Eds.), Business Process Management Cases. Digital innovation and business transformation in practice (pp. 187-204). Cham: Springer.
Van Looy, A. (2016). Social media management. Technologies and strategies for creating business value. Cham: Springer.
Van Looy, A. (2015). On the importance of non-technical process capabilities to support digital innovations. In: J. vom Brocke and T. Schmiedel (Eds.), BPM – Driving innovation in a digital world (pp. 259-274). Switzerland: Springer.
Van Looy, A. (2014). Business process maturity. A comparative study on a sample of business process maturity models. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer.
Van Looy, A. (2014). Business process maturity models. What’s in a name? In: J. Jeston and J. Nelis (Eds.), Business process management. Practical guidelines to successful implementations, 3rd edition (pp. 619-641). Oxon: Routledge.
Van Looy, A. (2012). Business process maturity. A comparative study on a sample of business process maturity models (Doctoral dissertation, Ghent University).
Van Looy, A. (2006). De elektronische identiteitskaart in België. Een studie naar het belang van de Belgische eID bij e‑administratie en de bijhorende overheidscommunicatie (Master dissertation, University of Antwerp).
Review activities
Associate Editor for academic conferences: ECIS 2015 (BPM track), ICIS 2016 (IS Design and BPM track), ECIS 2017 (BPM track), ECIS 2018 (BPM track) , General IS track ECIS2021, BPM track ECIS2022, Organizing business processes in the digital age track ICIS2023,
Editorial Board Member for academic conferences: ICIS 2017 (SIGBPS workshop on BPM)
Editorial Board Member for academic books (BPM cases: 1st edition, 2nd edition, 3rd edition; Digitalization Cases: 2nd edition)
Program Chair for academic conferences: ECIS2019 (Modelling and managing the digital enterprise and its business processes), International workshop of “BPM in the era of digital innovation and transformation: new capabilities and perspectives” (BPMinDIT) (BPMinDIT 2019, BPMinDIT 2020), 6th International conference on management and organization SAM 2020 – Track on Business process management and project organizing), Journal First Track BPM2022, ECIS2023 (BPM and digital innovation), ECIS2024 (BPM and digital innovation),
Program Committee member for academic conferences: BPM 2016, BPM 2017, Doctoral Consortium BPM 2019, BPM 2019 (Industry track), Doctoral Consortium BPM 2020, Doctoral Consortium BPM2021, DESRIST2021, IEEE CBI2022, CAISE BPMDS2022, Doctoral Consortium BPM 2022, Industry Forum BPM 2022, Industry Forum BPM2024, CAISE BPMDS2024,
Program Committee Chair for academic conferences: BPM 2021 –BPM management track program committee chair, Doctoral Consortium CAISE2022,
Senior Program Committee member for academic conferences: BPM 2018, BPM 2019, BPM2020, BPM2022, BPM2023, BPM2024,
Award Committee member for academic conferences: BPM 2015 (Industry track),
Reviewer for academic conferences: ECIS 2011, HICSS 2012, ECIS 2013, ICIS 2013, ECIME 2014, HICCS 2015, ECIS 2016, ICIS2019, RCIS2020, PACIS2020, BPM track ECIS2021 , ICIS2022 , ECIS2023,
Ad Hoc Reviewer for academic journals, among others:
Enterprise Information Systems journal
Business Process Management journal
Business & Information Systems Engineering –the International Journal of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK
Guest editor
Information Systems and e-Business Management journal (guest editor for special issue in 2023)