2022: FEB PhD Tutor Award, Ghent University
2022: Nominee InspiringFifty Europe
2020: Winner InspiringFifty Belgium (Named as one of Belgium’s 50 most inspirational women in technology by InspiringFifty Belgium)
2019: Best Student Paper (Business Process Management Conference)
2018: Best Paper Nomination (Business Process Management Conference)
2014: Top-10 Nomination for Young ICT Lady of the Year (DataNews)
2010: Award for Best Contribution (OnTheMove Academy)
2007: Highest Award For Achievement (Dale Carnegie Consulting Program)
2006: Best student in Political Sciences at University of Antwerp (summa cum laude, highest ranking out of 81 students)
Council representations
Voting member of the UGent Research Council (since 2022)
Voting member of the UGent FEB Commission of Scientific Research (since 2022)
Voting member of the UGent FEB Faculty Board (2014-2018; 2018-2022; 2022-2026)
Voting member of the UGent FEB Faculty Examination Committee MBA (since 2015)
Voting member of the UGent Steering Group FEB Academy LifeLong Learning (since 2021)
2024: Mijn collega, een robot? (Eos Wetenschap)
2024: BPM skills in 2024 (part2) (
2023: Dit is de grootste frustratie van zowat elke consument: “Slinger is bij bedrijven wat doorgeslagen” (Nieuwsblad)
2023: Robotisering op de werkvloer: opportuniteit in plaats van bedreiging (Nextconomy)
2023: Experts delen lessen over je loopbaan: hoe hou je netto meer over? En wanneer moet je van job veranderen? (De Morgen)
2023: Welke taken doen werknemers liever zelf, en waar laten ze robots helpen? (UGent FEB alumni)
2023: Werknemers en werkgevers moeten samen digitale kloven overbruggen (UGent @ Work)
2022: Welke taken doen werknemers liever zelf, en waar laten ze robots helpen? (UGent @ Work)
2022: Essential guide to process maturity: models, tips, and templates (Smartsheet)
2021: Ik vind het jammer dat mensen bang zijn van IT (Trends)
Related info: video
2020: Inspiring Fifty Belgium: We kunnen alleen overleven als we inclusiever zijn (Trends)
2016: Bedrijfsprocessen zijn cruciaal bij het ondernemerschap (VOSEKO magazine)
2014: Wie wordt Young ICT Lady of the year 2014? (DataNews)
2013: CEFR level C1 on the Interuniversity Test of Academic English (ITACE for lecturers)
2009-2012: Doctor in Applied Economics, option Management Information Science & Operations Management, at Ghent University
PhD diploma, including a certificate of the PhD doctoral programme
Duration: 3 years, 3 months
2008: Prince2 foundation, Kluwer
2006-2007: Dale Carnegie consulting program
Highest award for achievement
2002-2006: Master in Political Sciences, option Public Management, at the University of Antwerp
Master thesis on the Belgian electronic identity card (eID), and its relevance for e-government
Graduated with highest honour (summa cum laude)